13 States Where People Spend the Most on Amazon

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Josep Suria / Shutterstock.com

Americans love to shop on Amazon. The annual Prime Day event has become a quasi-holiday for members of Amazon Prime, the retailer’s wildly popular paid subscription service.

Even the millions who haven’t joined Prime likely shop at Amazon from time to time.

Residents of some states are especially obsessed with Amazon. Recently, Upgraded Points surveyed 3,200 online shoppers and asked them how much they spend monthly on Amazon.

Based on their answers, these are the 13 states where people spent an average of at least $100 monthly on Amazon:

  • Tennessee: $124.22 per month, on average
  • Delaware: $114
  • Wisconsin: $113.66
  • Iowa: $113.46
  • Washington: $112.06
  • New Mexico: $110.56
  • Kentucky: $108.63
  • Utah: $107.69
  • Massachusetts: $105.52
  • Arkansas: $105.20
  • Michigan: $104.46
  • Hawaii: $102.50
  • Nebraska: $101.22

Overall, Americans spend an average of $91.75 on Amazon each month, or $1,101 per year. At the state level, annual spending ranges from a high of $1,490.64 in Tennessee to a low of $673.20 in West Virginia.

In a handful of states — Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming — there were not enough respondents to figure out how much was spent. So those states were omitted from the ranking.

Upgraded Points notes that members of Amazon Prime reported spending far more on Amazon — $110 monthly, on average — compared with those without a Prime membership, who spent $38.

Other interesting facts from the Upgraded Points survey include:

  • 25% of Americans shop on Amazon at least once weekly.
  • 33% think the amount of money they have spent this year on Amazon is greater than the amount of cash in their savings account.
  • Shoppers say their favorite features of Amazon are the broad selection of merchandise (80.1%), free and fast shipping (61.8%) and easy shipment tracking (60.7%).

If you love to spend as much on Amazon as your fellow Americans, be sure to read “9 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Shopping on Amazon.”

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