The Top 5 Countries Where Americans Want To Buy Real Estate in 2024

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Madeira, Portugal
Artur Bociarski /

Beaches, temperate climates and affordable living. That’s the dream for many, and some are looking to make that dream a reality abroad.

Real Estate Trend Alert recently surveyed more than 400 Americans, working and retired, who plan to invest in real estate overseas. The top countries where they are looking to buy all offer ocean shorelines, mild weather and relative affordability.

“The picture we got from the survey is very clear. Americans want to live close to the beach in a country where there is plenty of sun. They also want to feel safe and have high-quality health care,” says Ronan McMahon, founder and editor of Real Estate Trend Alert.

The website notes that investment amounts seem low at first glance, considering coastal living tends to be a luxury in the U.S. About 80% of survey participants plan to invest less than $500,000. However, many of the most sought-after locations have considerably lower real estate prices than the U.S.

The following destinations were at the top of survey respondents’ list.

5. Spain

Nerja in Costa del Sol, Andalusia, Spain
Madrugada Verde /

Respondents who are considering buying property in this country: 13.95%

The most important criteria they cited for selecting this country:

  1. Safety and crime rates
  2. Quality of health care
  3. Cultural affinity for the country

Over the last couple of decades, Spain’s crime rate has typically declined each year, with few increases. Health care in Spain is also fairly accessible. Most primary health care is free, with residents paying a portion of prescription costs. Residents can opt for private health insurance as well, such as if they need a procedure that isn’t covered by the government program.

4. Panama

Panama City, Panama
GTS Productions /

Respondents who are considering buying property in this country: 15.12%

The most important criteria they cited for selecting this country:

  1. Safety and crime rates
  2. Quality of health care
  3. Quality of governance (corruption, efficiency)

While respondents listed crime rates as an important criterion for moving to Panama, the country’s crime rate per 100,000 residents was nearly double that of the U.S. in 2021 (12.73 vs. 6.81). Like Spain, though, public health care is affordable. Many services are free to residents, funded by Panama’s Social Security System and Ministry of Health. There are concerns over long wait periods and limited resources at public hospitals, but there is a private health care system as well for those who can afford it.

3. Mexico

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Rubi Rodriguez Martinez /

Respondents who are considering buying property in this country: 17.05%

The most important criteria they cited for selecting this country:

  1. Safety and crime rates
  2. Market conditions (potential for appreciation)
  3. Quality of health care

The cost of living in Mexico has been consistently significantly lower than in the U.S. over the past several decades, making it a great destination for retirees. Mexico’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) averaged 39.12 points from 1969 until 2023. America’s CPI averaged 122.48 points from 1950 until 2023.

2. Costa Rica

Playa Flamingo beach in Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Stefan Neumann /

Respondents who are considering buying property in this country: 25.19%

The most important criteria they cited for selecting this country:

  1. Safety and crime rates
  2. Quality of health care
  3. Market conditions (potential for appreciation)

Respondents pointed to market conditions as a reason to move here, and the U.S. International Trade Administration agrees. The federal agency states that in Costa Rica, “market prospects are excellent in a variety of sectors.” The nation’s per capita gross domestic product of more than $12,000 is one of the best in the region.

“The country’s strong middle class enjoys a high degree of purchasing power,” the ITA says.

1. Portugal

Estoril, Portugal
S-F /

Respondents who are considering buying property in this country: 28.68%

The most important criteria they cited for selecting this country:

  1. Quality of health care
  2. Safety and crime rates
  3. Quality of governance (corruption, efficiency)

Portugal boasts exceptionally low crime rates. In 2021, its crime rate sat at 0.8 per 100,000 residents — a fraction of America’s. On top of that, Portugal’s national health care is free for those under the age of 18 and over 65. Health treatments outside those age groups are subsidized. Medication administered during hospital stays is free and urgent care visits generally are, too.

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